Mural for New Church Building
August 1973

“Mural for New Church Building,” Ensign, Aug. 1973, 80

Mural for New Church Building

A 66-foot-long mural, depicting the occasion when the resurrected Savior commissioned his apostles to go forth and teach to all nations, has been approved by the First Presidency for the lobby of the new General Church Office Building. The mural will be the collaboration of artists Harry Anderson of Ridgefield, Connecticut, and Grant Romney Clawson of Salt Lake City. They have collaborated on other Church works, including a mural in the Visitors Center at Independence, Missouri, depicting the second coming of the Savior. (See Ensign cover, April 1972.) Mr. Anderson is seen here, left, with the preliminary sketch on which he will base a 16-foot-long oil painting; Brother Clawson will reproduce the painting as the final oil-on-canvas mural. With Mr. Anderson in the photo are Wendell J. Ashton, right, managing director for Public Communications for the Church, and Charles Graves, Church public relations representative in New York.