January 1987

“Appointments,” Ensign, Jan. 1987, 76


Regional Representatives

Arbolillo Mexico and Camarones Mexico regions, Franscisco Pineda Salazar, manager of purchasing and warehousing, former stake president.

Blackfoot Idaho and McCammon Idaho regions, Rulon Douglas Robinson, physician, former stake president.

Nampa Idaho, Weiser Idaho regions, Richard Ira Corey, financial group manager, former counselor to stake president.

Belfast Ireland and Edinburgh Scotland regions, Alexander Cumming, owner of a building services company, former stake president.

Young Women General Board

Kathryn Luke, Orem Seventeenth Ward, Orem Utah North Stake, an elementary school principal and former stake Young Women president.

Sherry Wilcox, Farmington First Ward, Farmington Utah Stake, an employee of the Church Temple Department and former stake Young Women president.