O Lord, Who Gave Thy Life for Me
October 2002

“O Lord, Who Gave Thy Life for Me,” Ensign, Oct. 2002, 7

O Lord, Who Gave Thy Life for Me


1. O Lord, who gave Thy life for me,

I come now in humility

And here my sacrifice impart:

A contrite soul, a broken heart.

Oh, may Thy love in mercy shine

And bind my sorr’wing heart to Thine.

2. Upon the altar here I lay

My pride, my hurt, each willful way,

My burden all of sin and care,

And in its place Thy yoke I’ll bear.

Oh, may Thy love my soul refine

And bind my trusting heart to Thine.

3. My heart is full of love for Thee

Because I know Thou first loved me.

Now by that love I’ll seek to live

And freely, like Thyself, forgive.

Oh, may Thy love my life define

And bind my willing heart to Thine.

4. And as I strive to thus endure

With cleaner hands and heart more pure,

In all around I see Thy face

And feel the bounties of Thy grace.

O Savior, may Thy love divine

Now bind my grateful heart to Thine.

© 2002 by Alice W. Johnson. All rights reserved
This hymn may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home and church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

3 Ne. 9:20

1 Jn. 4:19

Music, O Lord, Who Gave Thy Life for Me

Christus, by Bertel Thorvaldsen; photo by Welden C. Andersen