Social Media Pages Created for Church Leaders
November 2013

“Social Media Pages Created for Church Leaders,” Ensign, Nov. 2013, 127

Social Media Pages Created for Church Leaders

The Church has created official social media pages for members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on Facebook and Google Plus. These pages will act as an official social media presence for each of the Brethren, who will direct the pages as they are maintained on their behalf by the Church.

The official Facebook and Google Plus accounts can be found by searching on facebook.com/lds and plus.google.com. To know whether or not a social media site or page is official, look for the Church’s logo.

Those following these pages will receive regular updates on the ministry of each of the Brethren. “The Church will post links to talks, articles, videos, and other relevant content on their behalf,” said Dale Jones, a spokesperson for the Church.

These pages will allow people to more easily find the words of living prophets, and “liking” the pages will cause their content to be in the liker’s Facebook feed, where it can be readily viewed and shared with others.

Creating official pages helps members know which pages are maintained by the Church and protects individuals from fake pages.