Christmas Tree Puzzle
December 1990

“Christmas Tree Puzzle,” Friend, Dec. 1990, 26

Christmas Tree Puzzle

Christmas Tree Puzzle


  1. Smoked pork often served at Christmas dinner

  2. Christmas trimmings of reds and __________

  3. Big plant trimmed with lights

  4. Cold weather’s Christmas decoration

  5. What the Wise Men brought

  6. Christmas laughing word

  7. King of Judea when Christ was born

  8. Another name for the Wise Men from the East

  9. Mother of Jesus

  10. Put ornaments on the tree


  1. “Be of good _________; … on the morrow come I unto the world” (3 Ne. 1:13)

  2. Where shepherds found the newborn child

  3. Making a present of

  4. Decoration for the front door

  5. “_________ to God in the highest” (Luke 2:14)

  6. Christmas carols

  7. Angels who announced the Savior’s birth

  8. Mirthful


  • Across—(2) ham, (4) greens, (6) tree, (7) snow, (8) gifts, (11) ho, (12) Herod, (13) Magi, (14) Mary, (15) Decorate. Down—(1) cheer, (3) manger, (4) giving, (5) wreath, (8) Glory, (9) songs, (10) herald, (13) merry.