Walking to Church Alone, Mumbai India

Someone told me they are thinking about suicide but asked me not to tell anyone. What should I do?

Respect their wishes for privacy, but do not promise confidentiality or secrecy. Their life is at stake, and their safety is more important than their comfort! Offer to help them create a safety plan (see the links to helpful resources below). Encourage them to talk to a family member, their bishop, or a mental health professional. It may be helpful for you to show support by offering to make a phone call on their behalf or to go with them to talk to someone in person. Remember, the Lord does not expect you to solve someone else’s problems on your own.

If you think the person’s life might be in danger, immediately call 911 or the emergency services in your country. If the person denies thoughts or feelings of suicide and you still believe there is a risk, discuss your concerns with someone who can arrange an evaluation for their safety, such as a family member, a bishop, a mental health professional, or emergency medical services.

Church and Community Resources

(Some of the resources listed below are not created, maintained, or controlled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. While these materials are intended to serve as additional resources, the Church does not endorse any content that is not in keeping with its doctrines and teachings.)