Step by Step

Record a New Bishop

Policy and Principles

After a new bishop has been called and set apart, the stake clerk must record the calling (the ward clerk is not authorized to record the calling of a bishop). Recording the calling will then update the Church Directory of Organizations and Leaders (CDOL), which is the authoritative source for all Church callings. Until the calling is recorded in CDOL, the bishop will not receive official Church communications or be able to access certain information authorized for bishops.

Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR) Procedures

Click the Callings by Organization link under the Organizations menu, or click here to go to the Callings by Organization page in LCR. Then select the ward for which the new bishop was called, and click the Bishopric link. Then click the Edit button to record the new bishop. Only the stake clerk, the stake executive secretary, or a member of the stake presidency will be able to view the Release button when editing a calling for a bishop. Bishops and their clerks and executive secretaries may only change contact information.