Plan to Act

“Knowing that the gospel is true is the essence of a testimony. Consistently being true to the gospel is the essence of conversion.”

David A. Bednar, “Converted unto the Lord,Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 109

“Plan to Act” is the heart of Come, Follow Me, but because it comes at the end of class, it may be the most overlooked part of the lesson.

Each Sunday, leave ample time for young women to counsel together about how what they have learned applies to their lives. Invite them to share what the Spirit has prompted them to do, and make commitments to act on those promptings. As a young woman acts on what she has learned, the Spirit will confirm the truth of the gospel principles, and her understanding will deepen and grow.

See an example of an invitation to act: “Inviting to Act: Setting Goals.”

A member of the class presidency can lead the “Act” portion of each lesson. She can begin by sharing her own impressions and her plan to act and then invite others to do the same. Class members can also offer encouragement throughout the week as they see one another at school, through social media, and by example. Invite the sisters to come prepared to share what they have learned at the beginning of the next week’s lesson.

“An invitation to act starts the students thinking of their own personal responses. The converting power of the Holy Ghost comes only when the youth use their agency to act and live what they are learning” (Neill F. Marriott, “Come, Follow Me Lesson Plans Strengthen Conversion through Agency,” May 24, 2017,

If young women are not encouraged and given the opportunity to put into practice the gospel doctrines they are learning, these doctrines are not as likely to take deep root in their hearts. Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ requires young women both to understand the doctrines of the gospel and to act on what they learn. As they develop faith and act on it, they will become more fully converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Counsel Together:

  • What more can we do to help the young women recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost and encourage them to act on those promptings and on what they are learning?
  • How can we save time at the end of each lesson for young women to plan to act during the week?
  • How can the invitation to act be part of activities?

Additional Resources: