We’ve Got Mail
September 2000

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Sept. 2000, 49

We’ve Got Mail

Not much meaning

I really enjoyed “Count on the Values” in the November 1999 issue. Every week I go to Young Women, and every week we recite the Young Women theme. But I was always just reciting words. They really didn’t mean anything to me. After I read the article, I realized that I could make those values become something important in my life. I would no longer just be reciting words every week, but I would be renewing a goal to live those values every day of the week.

Elizabeth Cox
Richfield, Utah (via e-mail)


When I have to make a hard decision or I feel alone, I look at my mental picture of Jesus and know He loves me and is always my friend. The story “Always My Friend” (March ’00) helped me to remember that.

Rachel Johnson
Tampa, Florida

Gets pretty lonely

I just wanted to thank you for printing the article “Roots and Branches” (Aug. 1999). There are only two members, besides me, at my high school, and all of the people and friends I have in my ward go to another high school. It gets pretty lonely, and that article helped me to get another perspective. I now cherish the time I get to spend at seminary and Mutual more than ever. In that same issue, “In Madagascar” really taught me a lot too. I think the members there have so much courage to stay strong and be proud members of the Church. I really wish I had the courage that they must have.

Julianne Burnham
Pomona, California (via e-mail)

New look looks good

I have been meaning to write the editor about the New Era for the longest time and never took the time to do it. When the January 2000 copy came out, I was greatly surprised by the new format, and I wanted to tell you that I like it very much. I don’t know what it is about it, but I like it a lot. I wanted to thank you for having the New Era. No matter what my situation is, you always have an article that seems written especially for me. I am so grateful for the time and effort put into this magazine. It means so much to me, and I’m sure it does to the rest of the LDS youth. Thank you for your effort and hard work.

Rachel Laszczyk
Granite Bay, California (via e-mail)

Why the change?

I just wanted to say that I received my new issue of the New Era today (Jan. 2000), and I am very disappointed in its new look. Believe it or not, I always looked forward to seeing which color you would use to highlight the white letters of the words New Era on the cover. The Mormonad’s new look reminds me of the Mormonads from 1990. I thought it was kind of bland. The Question and Answer section has a nice new look to it; it’s a little different, and I suppose I’ll have to get used to it. I know it’s the new millennium and that we need to have a fresh new look, but did you have to change something that was already so wonderful? I love the New Era. The messages are inspiring, and you always seem to know just what I need to read. That part has not changed. But when you have a good thing, stick with it.

Steve Nunez
Port Jefferson, New York (via e-mail)