The Temple: A Divine Influence for Good



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Brother Rosales’s father abandoned him and his mother when he was four years old. Brother Rosales’s wife grew up without her mother. They wanted something better for their own family. Since joining the Church and being sealed in the Quetzaltenango Guatemala Temple, the Rosales family says they treat each other better and value each member of their family more. They feel the Spirit of the Lord in the temple, and “now we can feel His presence in our home as well,” Sister Rosales said.

“There’s a divine influence that begins to flow into people who’ve made the covenants,” Elder D. Todd Christofferson says in part 3 of a video series about the Church in Central America.

“Their lives become much more spiritually attuned, much more confirmed in the gospel. Children begin to feel things differently at home. And that divine power, the power of these ordinances, the power of godliness begins to influence in life as never before, and there is a permanent change for good.” 

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