The Power of Faith in the Workplace

10 August 2018

It’s important that we treat everyone in the workplace with respect, and that we take care not to offend others. But we don’t have to compromise our own faith.

The role of religion in the workplace has been hotly debated for the past few years. Different employers have different opinions about what is appropriate. There are some work situations where we might not feel that we can share our beliefs with coworkers, but this doesn’t mean that we have to check our faith at the door. Faith is what drives our behavior, even if we choose not to talk about it. Faith isn’t just about where we go to church; it is our set of beliefs, our inner compass.

Even if you don’t work in an environment where you can talk openly about your beliefs, you can use your faith to make the workplace less divisive and more productive.

Remember that faith involves action.

It takes daily practice to live your faith. Scripture study and prayer put us in the right frame of mind to treat others kindly and professionally. Think about the core of what we believe: there is a God, and we are all His children. This can help us be more patient, more accountable, more teachable, and more likely to speak out in defense of others who may be treated unfairly. As we consider our divinity—and the divinity of others around us—the day will go better.

Pray at work.

We don’t have to limit our communication with God while at we are work. We can pray for help or inspiration. Problems that affect profits and employment deserve to be prayed over. Silent prayers before or during meetings help to invite a calm spirit. When we seek God in all that we do, we come to understand that He cares about all that we do. Even a brief prayer at your workbench or computer will invite God to bless you and help you.

Take time to worship.

Sunday worship has much more to do with weekly productivity than we may realize. By setting aside a day for worship, contemplation, serving others, and study, we renew ourselves. When we return to work, we will be more patient, and we will be able to solve problems more effectively. God will give us strength and insight. Learn to use His guidance. On Sundays, with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, try writing down one thing you would like to improve during the week.

Remember that being a person of faith is nothing to be ashamed of. Be confident in your convictions and courageous about approaching God whenever and wherever you need His help. As the Apostle Paul said, “We trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe” (1 Timothy 4:10).