The Secret to Learning on the Job

20 April 2018

Staying relevant in the workplace means constantly learning, in formal and informal ways.

As you prepare for a career, it’s important to learn all you can about how to succeed. But the learning process never stops. To succeed in the long term, you need to keep learning and growing. Here are seven ways you can continue to learn and grow at work.

Meet with your leaders.

Set up a time to have an informal discussion with your leaders about their expectations for your job role. Be respectful of their time. Come prepared to ask questions and to take notes. If your leaders are willing to do so, set up a quarterly meeting so you can check in on your progress. Ask your leaders what skills you can develop to be more valuable to the company.

Go online.

There are a variety of free courses that will strengthen your skills. You can also learn from blogs, articles, and thought leaders. Fifteen minutes a day of study can make a big difference in your personal knowledge—and you can turn that knowledge into solving problems for your company.

Join a peer group.

Form a small group of coworkers who meet regularly over lunch and talk about how to improve at work. Brainstorm. Read and discuss the latest books or articles that apply to the work you do.

Join a social networking group.

Sometimes it’s good to get an outside perspective. Join a social networking group related to your industry. Ask the people in your group how they are learning and improving. Just be careful not to divulge any company secrets. If needed, you can check with your human resources department to make sure what’s appropriate. Industry networking groups can be great places for learning and support. They can also be helpful if you’re looking for a new job.

Do a side job.

Find a project that needs your expertise but not a lot of your time. For example, if you are in charge of writing the company newsletter, you could look for another writing assignment that might require you to conduct interviews and research. The new topics and working structure might help you learn new insights. You can bring these insights back to work with you. Just remember not to work on a side project that competes with your company or takes time away from your regular job.

Do the obvious.

Check with your company and see what certifications and degrees they will pay for. Then get busy!

Volunteer your time for a charity.

Providing service will help broaden your network, and it will also allow you to focus on the needs of others rather than yourself.

Remember to live what you believe. Being true to your belief in God and the principles you have learned gives you the spiritual strength to endure difficult times and the confidence to push forward in your career.