Frequently Asked Questions—Learning Experiences

What is an institute Elevate Learning Experience (ELE)?

The purpose of the ELE is to help students have more meaningful experiences with the word of God. Students are most likely to achieve this as they more fully understand, apply, and share the teachings of Jesus Christ. Completion of an ELE is required to earn credit for each course. Students may choose from one of three options:

  1. Elevate learning questions:  Students ponder and answer three study questions. The study questions for the Cornerstone courses are specific to each course. Students in all other courses answer the questions for general elective courses.
  2. Course study journal:  Students regularly write journal entries about what they are learning, how they are applying it, and how their experiences are strengthening their faith in Jesus Christ.
  3. Personal learning project:  Students plan and complete a personal learning project. The project demonstrates learning and application of doctrines and principles addressed in the course and summarizes how faith in Jesus Christ has been strengthened.

Who should complete an ELE?

All students are encouraged to complete an ELE for each course in which they enroll. While some students may not want or need credit, teachers should help them understand how completing an ELE will help them have a more meaningful experience with the word of God.

Why are there three ELE options?

Three options are provided to accommodate the different learning styles and preferences of students. Generally speaking, students who need more direction or who have less experience in the Church do well with the ELE questions (option 1). Students who enjoy or value writing and freedom of expression tend to prefer the ELE journal (option 2). Students with more Church experience, who are motivated and have good organization skills, or who better express themselves in ways other than writing tend to do well with the ELE project (option 3).

How much time should students be given to select an ELE?

Students should select an ELE early in the term and begin working on it immediately.

Should students work on ELEs in class?

Teachers are encouraged to give students time in class to work on ELEs. Completion of an ELE will almost always include time spent both in and outside of class.

When should I introduce ELEs to my students?

Teachers should introduce ELEs at the beginning of the course, or as soon as a student enrolls and starts attending. Learning will be enhanced by participating in the experience throughout the course. By starting early students will also have more time to have a meaningful experience.

How should I introduce ELEs to the class?

Help students understand the purpose of an ELE and how it can deepen their understanding and application of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Provide clear instructions, expectations, and feedback where appropriate.

How can I help my students complete an ELE?

Introduce ELEs early in the course. Offer assistance, encouragement, and direction throughout the term. Make appropriate accommodations to those who have specific needs, disabilities, or other health-related conditions. Spend class time on ELEs throughout the term.

Why aren’t there more details for each of the three ELE options?

Teachers and administrators are encouraged to work out the details of administering ELEs considering the guidelines provided, the needs of the students, and their own teaching load. They are encouraged to share their experiences with each other as they discover what works well and what does not.

Where can I find ELE questions (option 1) for a given course?

The ELE questions are available here.

Are there separate versions of ELE questions (option 1) for each institute course?

Each of the four Cornerstone courses has its own questions. All other courses should use the general elective course questions.

Are ELE questions (option 1) available in languages other than English?

Yes, the ELE questions are available in 38 languages for all courses.

What counts as an acceptable personal learning project (option 3)?

An ELE personal learning project (option 3) accommodates a broad range of possibilities that fit students’ interests and abilities. Teachers should review and approve each project. Projects should align the content of the course with the ELE's purpose.

Do I need to review every student’s ELE and provide feedback?

While teacher feedback is encouraged, it is not required.

Do student students need to submit their work to fulfill the requirement?

While submission of an ELE at the end of the course is encouraged, it is not required. The teacher should take into consideration each student's workload and the nature of the ELE. An ELE journal, for example, may contain sacred or sensitive information. In other cases, an ELE project may not be practical to submit. In such instances, the teacher should find a reasonable alternative, such as (1) asking the student to simply report completion, (2) asking for a sample entry, or (3) submitting a brief summary of what was learned.

How can I adapt this to a one-credit term (as opposed to a two-credit semester)?

Teachers should consult with their supervisors to ensure that ELEs are adapted in a way that aligns with the ELE's purpose and is feasible for both students and teachers.

Where can I find additional resources or learn more about elevating teaching and learning in institute?

Additional resources are available here.

Who can I contact with questions or feedback concerning ELEs?

Questions and feedback should be sent to supervisors or to