July 21, 2017

Helping Institute Students Realize Their Full Potential

In January 2016, President Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles encouraged young adults to understand their true potential as millennials. He taught:

“A True Millennial is one who was taught and did teach the gospel of Jesus Christ premortally and who made covenants with our Heavenly Father there about courageous things—even morally courageous things—that you would do while here on earth.

“A True Millennial is a man or woman whom God trusted enough to send to earth during the most compelling dispensation in the history of this world. A True Millennial is a man or woman who lives now to help prepare the people of this world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and His millennial reign. Make no mistake about it—you were born to be a True Millennial” (“Becoming True Millennials” [evening with a General Authority, Jan. 10, 2016]).

As you teach your students during July and August, testify that they will achieve happiness and accomplish great things as they become who the Lord wants them to become. President Nelson offered the following four suggestions:

  • Learn who you really are.

  • Expect and prepare to accomplish the impossible.

  • Learn how to access the power of heaven.

  • Follow the prophets.

Invite Students to Share

Please invite students to share on social media how they can reach their full potential and become who the Lord wants them to become. They can find shareable images on the LDS Institutes of Religion Facebook page. Specific images are included below.

You and your students can share your insights about realizing your full potential by answering the following questions on social media:

  • How do I prepare to become who the Lord wants me to become?

  • How do prayer, scripture study, and following living prophets inspire me to reach my potential?

Include #LDSInstitute and #MyPotential in the post.

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