Additional Scripture Now Available
July 1976

“Additional Scripture Now Available,” Ensign, July 1976, 76

Additional Scripture Now Available

Sustained as scripture at the April general conference (Ensign, May 1976), Joseph Smith’s 1836 vision of the celestial kingdom and President Joseph F. Smith’s 1918 vision of the redemption of the dead are now available as an insert to the Pearl of Great Price.

Divided into chapter and verse, the insert is designed in three sizes to fit existing large print, standard, and pocket-size editions of the scripture.

Each size costs 25 cents and is available from any Deseret Bookstore or from dealers throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

Mail orders for the Pearl of Great Price insert may be sent to Deseret Book Personal Shopping Service, P.O. Box 659, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110.