Relief Society Offers Home Management Resource Booklet
March 1985

“Relief Society Offers Home Management Resource Booklet,” Ensign, Mar. 1985, 80

Relief Society Offers Home Management Resource Booklet

Designed as a reference manual for home management, Creative Homemaking for Happy Living, a new booklet recently published by the Relief Society, offers 228 pages of homemaking ideas.

The booklet includes information on food preparation and storage, sewing and stitchery, home management and beautification, nutrition, disaster preparedness, weight loss, teaching children to cook, writing a resume and entering the job market, plant care, and self-protection for women and children. “It’s a potpourri of ideas,” says Joan Spencer, general secretary-treasurer of the Relief Society, who helped compile it.

In addition to homemaking ideas and information, the booklet includes a number of organizational aids, among them a sample format for a successful homemaking meeting, suggestions for developing minicourses, and a goal achievement survey sheet.

The booklet (stock number PCRS5728) is available through Church distribution centers for $2.25.

Photography by Wes Taylor