As the Smallest Plant Seeks Sun
December 1988

“As the Smallest Plant Seeks Sun,” Ensign, Dec. 1988, 7

As the Smallest Plant Seeks Sun

All living things are blessed with heavenly light

And need it as the smallest plant seeks sun,

Creator to creation giving sight

That animals may see in darkest night

And by their instincts know to hide or run.

All living things are blessed with heavenly light,

And man, though but a child, knows what is right—

The conscience, light of Christ, withheld from none.

Creator to creation giving sight

To him whose heart is broken and contrite;

The Holy Ghost, a Gift to such a one.

All living things are blessed with heavenly light.

The Second Comforter is yet more bright—

Christ himself, the Light of the World, the Son,

Creator to creation giving sight.

Blaze on, celestial spiral, height on height,

No end to fire and glory once they’re won.

All living things are blessed with heavenly light,

Creator to creation giving sight.

Photography by FPG International