Sending Our Gifts on a Mission
December 1990

“Sending Our Gifts on a Mission,” Ensign, Dec. 1990, 57

Sending Our Gifts on a Mission

When David—now my husband—was on his mission, I wanted to send him a Christmas package that was different and fun, yet appropriate for a missionary. So I made a Christmas stocking and filled it with small gifts, each individually wrapped, numbered, and labeled with a scripture reference. Twelve days before Christmas, David started opening one package each day, first looking up the scripture reference written on it. I saved the nicest gift for him to open on Christmas morning.

Years later, David still had fond memories of that package—so our family decided to make a similar one for my missionary sister. During a home evening, we brainstormed possible gifts, then used the Topical Guide in the LDS edition of the Bible to come up with accompanying scripture references. Here are some of our ideas:

D&C 89:20—“run and not be weary”: nylons

1 Cor. 13:11—“I put away childish things”: yoyo

Job 14:5—“his days are determined”: calendar

Ps. 23:4—“thy rod and thy staff”: candy cane

Ps. 24:4—“clean hands”: soap

Matt. 15:11—“cometh out of the mouth”: mouthwash

1 Sam. 2:9—“keep the feet”: socks

Prov. 10:7—“memory of the just”: writing tablet

D&C 89:16—“grain is good … also the fruit of the vine”: granola bar and fruit rolls

Amos 4:6—“cleanness of teeth”: toothbrush

Planning and assembling the package was a fun family project. And as a bonus, our children learned to use the Topical Guide and became more familiar with the scriptures.—Cristy Cole Crump, Bonney Lake, Washington