February 1994

“Contents,” Ensign, Feb. 1994, 1


February 1994

Volume 24 Number 2

On the cover: Moses and the Ten Commandments, by Ted Henninger, oil on canvas, 14″ x 21.5″, 1981

Inside front cover: Early in the Spring, by Glen S. Hopkinson, oil on canvas, 24″ x 36″, 1990. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cornell, Carthage, Missouri. In the bitter cold of early 1846, a vanguard of Saints living in Nauvoo left their homes to make preparations for traveling westward in the spring. “Hundreds of us … are now encamped in Lee county, Iowa, suffering much from the intensity of the cold. Some of us are already without food,” wrote President Brigham Young on 28 February 1846. (History of the Church, 7:601.) Thus began the great Mormon pioneer trek westward.

Inside back cover: The Buttercup Chapel, by Lynn Hilton Bennett, oil on board, 24″ x 36″, 1988. Courtesy of Stephen and Karen Tuft. The chapel on Buttercup Drive in the southeast Salt Lake Valley, painted here as it looked when it rose out of the sagebrush and adjacent fields, is as a beacon on a hill, reminiscent of Isaiah’s text: “The wilderness and the solitary places shall be glad; … and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.” (Isa. 35:1.)