January 2009

“Comment,” Ensign, Jan. 2009, 80


Hopeful Help

Even though I am not single, I enjoyed reading the article “Single and Steadfast: Lessons in Hope” in the August 2008 Ensign (p. 20). Not only did the principles taught there help me in my own life, but they helped me better understand what my 16-year-old daughter was going through. As she had not been asked out to an upcoming dance, I was able to help her maintain a more positive outlook about herself and the situation. We discussed that even though she wasn’t going to the dance, she was still a righteous, lovable person and the opportunity may present itself in the future. I am thankful the article was published at just the right time to help me better counsel my daughter. I am sure it will be beneficial in the years to come as my other children grow up and experience similar issues. Thank you.

Dana Randall

Utah, USA

Something for Everyone

I’m a little behind on my reading (just finished the July 2008 issue). I found the article “Making Church Magazines” (p. 64) very informative. I would like you to know that I read every issue of the Ensign from cover to cover—even the articles that do not fit me personally—or so I thought. I have found something of value that I can use in my life in every article—even if at first glance the article did not seem intended for me. So don’t worry about hitting everyone and all interests. You do that very well.

Also, the article by Elder M. Russell Ballard, “Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet” (p. 58), was very helpful. What a wonderful way to share the gospel for those who are shy and fear face-to-face discussions. I feel enlightened!

Lynda Sessions

Oregon, USA