Plain and Precious Truth
May 1998

“Plain and Precious Truth,” New Era, May 1998, 10–11

In Tune:

Plain and Precious Truth

1. Plain and precious truth

For the children of a latter day—

A testimony of the Son of God—

Teaches us faith and charity,

To be humble, without pride;

Teaches us how to hold on to the rod.

Plain and precious truth

For the children of a latter day was given through a boy who prayed in the grove,

Who in his faith saw God,

Who gave him plain and precious truth.

2. Joseph was the one

Who received these precious truths on earth,

An instrument through whom the Lord could speak.

Through him that sacred book of old

Was restored to us again;

And by its precepts we are free.

Plain and precious truth

For the children of a latter day was given through a boy who prayed in the grove,

Who in his faith saw God,

Who gave him plain and precious truth.

Plain and precious truth.

By its precepts we are free.

Copyright © 1998 by Kirstina Rasmussen
All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home or church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Music, Plain and Precious Truth
Music, Plain and Precious Truth