Learning XML and using ldsXML

New to XML?

There are several resources available that provide excellent instruction in general XML concepts. To name just a couple:

Using ldsXML

Some things to bear in mind while using ldsXML:

Validating ldsXML documents in Oxygen XML Editor

In editorial workflows, processing instructions are used to link the Oxygen XML Editor to ldsXML schemas. These instructions are placed at the top of the document, immediately after the XML document type declaration and before the opening tag of the document element.

To validate: Use processing instruction:
Books and book chapters (not scripture) <?oxygen RNGSchema="http://lds.org/schema/ldsxml/v4/book/ldsBook.rng" type="xml"?>
Scripture volumes, testaments, books, and chapters <?oxygen RNGSchema="http://lds.org/schema/ldsxml/v4/scripture/scrScripture.rng" type="xml"?>
Magazines and magazine articles <?oxygen RNGSchema="http://lds.org/schema/ldsxml/v4/magazine/ldsMagazine.rng" type="xml"?>
Letters and notices <?oxygen RNGSchema="http://lds.org/schema/ldsxml/v4/letter/ldsLetter.rng" type="xml"?>

Once the appropriate processing instruction is in place, click on the “Validate Document” button to validate your document. Validation errors, if any, are listed at the bottom of the Oxygen window.