Sharing Time: Computer Memory Bank
January 1982

“Sharing Time: Computer Memory Bank,” Friend, Jan. 1982, 15

Sharing Time:

Computer Memory Bank

Save 12-ounce, oblong cereal box for your computer memory bank. Remove liner from inside of box. Cut two 6 1/2″ horizontal slots 1/2″ wide, one 2″ from top of box and the other 1″ from bottom of box (see illustration). Next, cut a piece of construction paper 6 1/2″ x 7 1/2″ to make chute. Insert chute as shown, and tape to outside of slots, both top and bottom. Close box lid and tape shut.

computer memory bank
computer memory bank

Cut second sheet of construction paper same size as large side of box, making slots match those in box. Decorate paper like a computer control panel (see illustration), and tape paper to box.

computer memory bank

Make 3″ x 3″ computer cards with gospel questions on one side and answers on other side. Put card in computer slot marked input (question side up), and card will come out of output slot showing answer.

Use computer memory bank during family home evening and add new “computer cards” throughout the year.

Sharing Time Ideas

Make a memory bank, add data (question and answer computer cards) to it throughout the year, and use during sharing time. The activity could be used to review the names of general authorities, ward and stake leaders, as well as answers to gospel questions.