Teaching in the Savior’s Way
How can Primary teachers attend teacher council meetings?

“How can Primary teachers attend teacher council meetings?,” Teacher Council Meetings: Frequently Asked Questions (2020)

“How can Primary teachers attend teacher council meetings?,” Teacher Council Meetings: Frequently Asked Questions

How can Primary teachers attend teacher council meetings?

The Primary presidency counsels with a member of the bishopric to determine how to strengthen teaching in the Primary. The Sunday School president can help as needed. Because Primary teachers teach every week, some options for their attendance at teacher council meetings are listed below:

  • Primary teachers could attend teacher council meetings with teachers from other organizations during the 20-minute Primary singing time.

  • Separate teacher council meetings could be held for Primary teachers. These meetings could be held during the 20-minute Primary singing time. As an alternative, they could be held before or after regular Sunday meetings or on another day during the week.

  • Members of the Primary presidency could visit Primary classes and counsel with teachers afterward about principles from Teaching in the Savior’s Way.