Teaching in the Savior’s Way
What should we do if our adult Sunday School class has few people in it after the priesthood, Young Women, and Relief Society teachers leave?

“What should we do if our adult Sunday School class has few people in it after the priesthood, Young Women, and Relief Society teachers leave?,” Teacher Council Meetings: Frequently Asked Questions(2020)

“What should we do if our adult Sunday School class has few people in it after the priesthood, Young Women, and Relief Society teachers leave?,” Teacher Council Meetings: Frequently Asked Questions

What should we do if our adult Sunday School class has few people in it after the priesthood, Young Women, and Relief Society teachers leave?

Each ward council will know best what to do, based on the circumstances in their ward. Here are some options to consider:

  • Continue to hold Sunday School classes even if only a few people are present. Meaningful discussions about the scriptures can take place in a small group.

  • Combine Sunday School classes, such as by combining an adult class with a youth class.

  • Invite the few people remaining in the adult Sunday School class to join the teacher council meeting.

  • Hold two teacher council meetings each quarter. Invite half of the participants to attend each meeting while the other half attend Sunday School.