E Mwaewe Iotebwa nako Ohio
Turai 2008

Man Maiun Te Burabeti Iotebwa Timiti

E Mwaewe Iotebwa nako Ohio

E bitaki ni kangaraoaki man Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith, katootona ae boreetiaki. Preston Nibley (1979), 230; Keith W. Perkins, “From New York to Utah: Seven Church Headquarters,” Ensign, Aokati 2001, 54–55; “House of Revelation, ” Ensign, Tianuare 1993, 33. Tara naba Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (2007), xvii–xviii, 11, 13–14, 159–60, 199, 207–8, 271–73, 307–8.